insperation we dont think about. shopping!
im gonna do this is english for once cos im not in the mood to write in swedish.
anyway, today i went shopping, and after i figured out what i get inspired from.
things we dont really notice untill after.
anyway here's some examples of the things i bought.
WHY: well i listen to nick jonas all the time, and he inspiers me. he a diabetic, but he fights for his dream still even though he's sick. and... these kind of shirts are hot! i love them.. so it makes sence that i bought them.
WHY: i love perfume! and the left one smells vanillia, and i love vanilla, and i didnt have a vanillia perfume so.. makes sence,,he other one smells tropic..i dont know why i bought it, cos it was cheep i guess? lol
WHY: come on , everyone wants peace and love! makes sence,
WHY: i loveeeee big earingsssss!!!! <3<3
WHY: i like to wear much bracelts on my arms.. its just me, mahahha need braceletsssss
WHY: Japanese stuffs are "in" or something haha.
WHY: punk is coooool!
WHY: everyone loves music ;)